First Res. Desk Residency- The White Pube


Desk Residency: The White Pube

Res. are pleased to announce that for our first Desk Residency we have selected The White Pube from 19 September- 18 December 2016. Res. provides desk spaces for curators, artists and writers in an associative working environment for sharing and developing research. Each associate is provided with a subsidised desk in our shared office and free use of our meeting and event space for developing research. We have decided to offer one desk for gratis, on a 3 month basis to a selected writer or curator working locally.

The White Pube is an art criticism website run by Zarina Muhammad and Gabrielle de la Puente. They publish a new text each week on

They also exhibit and curate. Visit Zarina’s website here and Gabrielle’s hereInterviews with huck magazine, shutyourgob, Zarina in New Contemporaries and Gabriella in Sleek Magazine.


If you want to meet with them, they like going on art dates and making new friends. If you want to work with them or make a date contact them on or hit them up on twitter @thewhitepube.